Monday, February 1, 2010

FEB. 1

70 percent of the antibiotics used in America are fed to animals living on factory farms. With pigs, chickens and cattle in close and gross confinement it would not be possible without antibiotics to keep the animals from dying of infectious diseases. These same drugs speed up the animals’ growth. Meat production practiced on the current scale and with the same intensity we practice it now could not be sustained for months, let alone decade without these pharmaceuticals.

The use of pharmaceuticals in our agriculture is an issue of great concern. Large numbers of animals are raises in very close quarters in order to ensure high levels of production because the demand is also high. Because these animals are raises this way disease and infection begin to appear and because of disease and infection, animals are fed antibiotics and other pharmaceutical drugs to maintain their health and increase their development. When the human population eats the animals, we too are exposed to the same drugs. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, nearly 70 percent of pharmaceuticals produced in America are fed to animals in these kinds of factory farms.

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